Kowloon Dairy Limited is one of three dairy producers in Hong Kong. It was established by George Ahwee and Rudy Choy in 1940.

Today, Kowloon Dairy Limited is very concerned about the quality of their daily products. They have replaced the milking process from hand to machine. This change is to ensure the quality of the milk. Starting from 2010, Kowloon Dairy Limited has purposely added a cover on its glass milk bottles, ensuring good quality and providing nutritional values and ingredients.

There are many different varieties of dairy products produced by Kowloon Dairy Limited. There are up to eight types of milk for customers to choose from, such as regular fresh milk, Hi-Calcium Slimilk, Hi-Calcium Skimmed, Gold Medal Milk, Australian Whole Milk, Hi-Calcium Chocolate Slimilk, Deluxe Chocolate Low Fat Milk, and Hi-Fibre Papaya Low Fat Milk. As for ice cream products, there are up to four types of choices such as Mochi Ice, Mini Mochi Ice, Family Pack Ice Cream, and Ovaltine Cone Series. There are more than eight flavors, such as Vanilla, Chocolate, Mango, etc.