Ben and Jerry’s is one of the most loved and famous ice cream brands in the US. The company is known for making socially conscious choices while manufacturing their ice creams. They use non-GMO ingredients and cruelty-free dairy and participate in Fairtrade. The company mentions all the ingredients and other essential details on their packaging. Ben and Jerry’s salted caramel ice cream is famous world over.

Ben and Jerry’s ice creams are also famous for another reason: their flavor names. The brand uses hilarious and witty names, such as “Karamel Sutra,” “Bohemian Raspberry,” and “Economic Crunch” for their products. This adds a little more fun to an already great dessert. They even have a “Flavour Graveyard,” where all the discontinued flavors are given tribute. Customers can even vote to bring back a “de-pointed” flavor. This shows how much thought they put into making sure their customers are part of the process.