Tip Top is a New Zealand ice cream brand owned by Froneri (a joint venture between PAI Partners and Nestle), but was formerly Fonterra Brands (Tip Top) Ltd, a subsidiary of the Fonterra Co-operative Group based in Auckland, New Zealand.
Tip Top produces around 41 million litres of ice cream a year, and Fonterra Brands (Tip Top) Ltd has around 400 employees. New Zealanders alone consume the equivalent of 1.9 million litres of milk in the form of Tip Top ice cream every year. Also, New Zealand’s 4.4 million people population, consume around two million Jelly Tips every year.
Tip Top Ice Cream is exported to Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia and the Pacific Islands.
Today, the three most sold bowl ice cream flavours are Vanilla, Hokey Pokey and Jelly Tip. The five most popular (by sales) Tip Top novelties are Choc Bar, Lemonade Popsicle, Memphis Meltdown Big Nuts, Jelly Tip and Pineapple FruJu. The oldest novelty ice cream still in productionis the Eskimo Pie.